Where Your Influence Works

There are people who vote every four years, in the presidential elections. They are wasting their time.

And while I don’t discourage anyone from voting, voting in a presidential election is statistically a complete waste of energy.

Because – again, from a purely statistical standpoint – your presidentialvote has no influence. No presidential election has ever been decided by one vote, or even two or three.

The reality is that the lower the voting, the more your vote means. In 2013, a local district attorney’s race was decided by five votes. Five votes out of thousands. You can bet that those who took the time to vote were glad they did. Those on the losing side wished they’d brought five friends to the polls.

Which brings me to today. My wife is meeting with a local political figure, in hopes of influencing an upcoming vote in our state’s legislature. They’ll meet over coffee and my wife will present her case.

You will never have such an opportunity with a US senator or congressman, much less a president. If you want to make a political difference, take your eyes off Washington. Probably even take them off your statehouse. Go local and make a difference. You really can.

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