Getting Started

Lots of people have dreams that never start. Much less come to fruition. And that’s too bad.

Because a lot of those dreams are dreams of wonderful things, things that would be fun and make a better life not only for the dreamer but for families and communities and maybe even the world.

Getting started doesn’t end the task you’re undertaking. It often scarcely begins the work needed to complete it. But it does get the task started. And that’s crucially important.

Defining what you really want is important. But getting started with something helps us with that as well, because when we start taking steps, we sometimes realize that we didn’t truly want to do that thing. Or we realize that we didn’t want to accomplish it the way we were planning.

This week, find something you want to do, and start on it. There’s a burst of energy that happens when we begin a task. So start. Start something you’ve just been thinking about. And start to make that something a reality.

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